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GC3 Church is able to reach others and continue doing the Great Commission because of support from generous donors like you. With the gifts we receive, we are able to continue our own community outreach, while supporting local, and international ministries.  Thank you for your faithful giving.

Basketball Skills Training with Coach Dexter
Redeemer Sports

In 2015, we have started hosting our first GC3 Youth Basketball Discipleship clinic. Since 2014, we have embraced the Sports Ministry as an effective evangelism effort, focusing on serving local communities by equipping, empowering and encouraging people to make a difference for Christ through sports.  With Redeemer Sports, the Evangelism arm of GC3, our goal is to encourage players in promoting togetherness as we share the love of God.  As this becomes a platform for players to gain recognitions from which many can begin a professional and successful careers, we hope to partner with you and aim to make disciples through meaningful relationships with sports.


You can also give in person during the weekend worship experience, set up automatic bank pay, donate assets, or shop online with Amazon Smile.

Redeemer Sports Philippines

We invite you to be a vital ministry financial partner of GC3 Church through Redeemer Sports, our Evangelism arm in the Philippines.  Would you prayerfully consider a monthly financial commitment to adopt any of the coaches/mentors urgently needing financial support in one of the 11 growing launched cities in the Philippines?  Your monthly gift of $60 will fund basic provision for one coach/mentor assigned to a launched city currently reaching players and families with Christ's love through bible studies, visitations, and regular basketball training/tournaments.  Which coach will you choose to adopt today?


With Redeemer Sports & our Church Plant partnership in the Philippines, we are excited to hear testimonies of children and families coming to know Christ.  As we continue to reach more communities and launch basketball ministries in new cities, we send slightly-used materials for discipleship, clothing, shoes, and other basic items in Balikbayan boxes.

Operation Christmas Child 

We know how everyone loves receiving presents, especially children. In the hands of local churches, every gift-filled shoebox is a powerful tool for evangelism and discipleship, transforming the lives of children and their families around the world through the Good News of Jesus Christ!​ At GC3, we look forward to our Shoebox Packing Party for children in other parts of the world every year.  In 2014, we packed more than 100 boxes with the GC3 kids. Wanting to do better every year, we packed 200+ boxes in 2015.  In 2016, we did 300 boxes, followed by 337  boxes in 2017.  Each year, we are excited to challenge our previous numbers to reach more kids than we've ever had through Samaritan's Purse OCC Shoebox Drive.

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